Although the current focus is on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting hospitals, managing post-acute care (PAC) capacity is slowly becoming just as critical to public health as the volume of COVID-19 patients grows, overburdening PAC physical and human-resource capacities. The influx of patients needing care after hospitalization will require hospitals and PAC providers to coordinate patient transfers more efficiently than ever.

Aidin is here for you to help streamline the transition to post acute care providers. Below are some steps you can take that may aid transitions:

1) COVID-19 status communication:
Aidin has added “Covid-19” criteria that hospital staff can document on the patient when setting up the referral (located in the Clinical Needs section for every level of care). Post AcuteProviders can also update their preferences to denote whichCOVID-19 status patients they are accepting:

2) Send referrals to more qualified providers the first time
To reduce delays to discharge and allow for increased market

visibility – we would recommend sending referrals to all qualified providers the first time. Now, more than ever, Aidin’s open marketplace technology will aid in casting a wide net to assess discharge options.

3) Monitor and manage declined offers of care: 
Monitor decline reasons via the Aidin Provider report – if you see providers who are declining at a higher rate than before this crisis some targeted conversations might be in order. Aidin will also be monitoring this and sharing trends if we see any.

We are here for you through this! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions.